Release notes#

This document describes changes to the PhasorPy library that are specific to a release. It includes descriptions of bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation and maintenance changes.


The PhasorPy library is in its early stages of development. It is not nearly feature complete. Large, backwards-incompatible changes may occur between revisions.

0.1 (2024.9.30)#

This is the first alpha release of the PhasorPy library. It contains over 70 documented and tested functions and class methods to calculate, calibrate, filter, transform, store, analyze, and visualize phasor coordinates, as well as to read fluorescence lifetime and hyperspectral signals from PTU, SDT, LSM, and other file formats. Ten tutorials demonstrate the use of the programming interface. An interactive app calculates and plots phasor coordinates of FRET donor and acceptor channels as a function of many model parameters. This release supports Python 3.10 to 3.13.

What’s Changed#

New Contributors#

Full Changelog: phasorpy/phasorpy