PhasorPy homepage#
Welcome to the homepage of the PhasorPy project.
PhasorPy is an open-source Python library for the analysis of fluorescence lifetime and hyperspectral images using the phasor approach.
The PhasorPy documentation thoroughly documents all aspects of the library, including:
Other versions: latest development, all
Source code is maintained on
Releases are published on
Data files are shared on
Ask questions and report issues on the GitHub issue tracker.
Jan 30, 2025: PhasorPy 0.4 is released to PyPI.
Jan 25, 2025: The liffile library to read Leica LIF files is released.
Jan 8, 2025: PhasorPy is available on conda-forge.
Dec 16, 2024: PhasorPy 0.3 is released to PyPI.
Nov 30, 2024: PhasorPy 0.2 is released to PyPI.
Oct 22, 2024: PhasorPy project update and practical are presented at the 18th LFD Workshop.
Sept 30, 2024: PhasorPy 0.1 is released to PyPI.
Sept 23, 2024: 100th commit to the PhasorPy source code.
June 12, 2024: PhasorPy is featured at the CZI Open Science 2024 meeting.
Feb 16, 2024: First tutorial added to the documentation.
Nov 1, 2023: The ptufile library to read PicoQuant PTU files is released.
Oct 26, 2023: The PhasorPy project is introduced at the 17th LFD Workshop.
Oct 5, 2023: The PhasorPy community on Zenodo is used to share data files.
Sept 1, 2023: Bruno Pannunzio joins the PhasorPy project.
Aug 22, 2023: The library documentation is published at
Aug 21, 2023: First PhasorPy developer meeting, to be held remotely every two weeks.
July 6, 2023: PhasorPy’s organization and repository on GitHub are life.
July 1, 2023: Christoph Gohlke joins the PhasorPy project.
Sept, 2022: A grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is awarded to Leonel Malacrida and Enrico Gratton for the development of the PhasorPy library and community.
The PhasorPy project is presented at the following events:
Leonel Malacrida. Introduction to PhasorPy. Third LFD around the world meeting. December 9, 2024. Online.
Leonel Malacrida. The PhasorPy library for FLIM and HSI phasor analysis. Optica Webinar Series. November 25, 2024. Online. Recording
Bruno Schüty. Introduction to PhasorPy. GloBIAS Bioimage Analysts Workshop. November 5-8, 2024. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bruno Pannunzio. PhasorPy: an open-source Python library for the analysis of fluorescence lifetime and hyperspectral images using the phasor approach. Virtual I2K 2024: Online tutorials on image analysis. October 29, 2024. Online. Recording
Leonel Malacrida. Unlocking the phasor approach for FLIM and HSI: Insights from PhasorPy, a comprehensive Python library for phasor plot analysis. Euro-Bioimaging Virtual Pub. October 25, 2024. Online. Recording
Bruno Schüty. PhasorPy hands-on training. 18th LFD Workshop in Advanced Fluorescence Imaging and Dynamics. October 21-24, 2024. Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine, USA.
Christoph Gohlke. Introduction to PhasorPy. 18th LFD Workshop in Advanced Fluorescence Imaging and Dynamics. October 21-24, 2024. Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine, USA.
Bruno Pannunzio, Bruno Schüty, Christoph Gohlke, and Leonel Malacrida. PhasorPy: un nuevo software abierto para el análisis de imágenes espectrales y tiempo de vida por gráficos de fasores. Semana Académica del Hospital de Clínicas. September 23-27, 2024. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Leonel Malacrida. Phasor analysis for FLIM & STED. Montreal Light Microscopy Course (MLMC). In-Focus: STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Microscopy. July 22-26, 2024. Montreal, Canada.
Leonel Malacrida. The phasor approach for biophysical studies of condensates and membranes using DAN probes. XXVII Congreso Nazionale SIBPA. June 16-20, 2024. Genoa, Italy.
Leonel Malacrida. PhasorPy: a Python open-source library for phasor analysis of FLIM and HSI data. CZI Open Science 2024. June 11-14, 2024. Boston, USA.
Leonel Malacirda. The phasor plots for time-resolved and hyperspectral imaging: fundamentals and new developments. Sociedad Argentina de Microscopia. May 29-31, 2024. Tucuman, Argentina.
Leonel Malacrida. The phasor plot analysis for hyperspectral imaging and time-resolved imaging: PhasorPy developments and its applications. Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware (LIBRE Hub) Seminars. May 15, 2024. Online. Recording
Leonel Malacrida. PhasorPy: a Python open-source library as SimFCS legacy for phasor analysis of FLIM and HSI data. Frontiers in Biological Fluorescence 2024. May 10, 2024. University of California, Irvine, USA.
Leonel Malacrida. Microscopía no lineal en Uruguay: 2P-FLIM y microscopio DIVER para estudiar procesos in vivo en la profundidad del tejido. Simposio en Microscopía y Bioimágenes: avances y desafíos. April 4-5, 2024. University of the Republic (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay.
Leonel Malacrida. Microscopy techniques applied to the analysis of biosensors performance. 1st Latin-American Workshop: Development and applications of biosensors: from fluorescent proteins to synthetic biology. Nov 27 - Dec 1, 2023. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay.
Bruno Schüty, Bruno Pannunzio, and Leonel Malacrida. Practical section 3: PhasorPy and Napari plugin for FLIM & HSI analysis. 5th Annual Workshop in Advanced Microscopy and Biophotonics. November 19-24, 2023. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay.
Christoph Gohlke and Leonel Malacrida. Introduction to PhasorPy. 17th LFD Workshop in Advanced Fluorescence Imaging and Dynamics. October 23-27, 2023. Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine, USA.
Please cite doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13862586 if PhasorPy contributes to a project that leads to a publication.
PhasorPy is a community-maintained project.
Contributions in the form of bug reports, bug fixes, feature implementations, documentation, datasets, and enhancement proposals are welcome.
Questions regarding the PhasorPy library are answered on the GitHub issue tracker.
Alternatively, contact the PhasorPy developers directly.